Titanfall 2: Mission 8- The Ark

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This is the second last mission and contains a total three collectible pilot helmets. Timestamps for pilot helmets have been highlighted below for your ease.
Pilot Helmet number 2 is particularly a tricky one to collect since you have a very small window of time to get it.

00:05 – In pursuit of the IMS Draconis
02:01 – Take control of the Malta
Pilot Helmet 1 of 3 (Collectible)
06:28 – Get into the lift
06:54 – Clear all the broadside gun platforms
09:50Pilot Helmet 2 of 3 (Collectible)
10:36 – Rendezvous with 6-4
12:34Pilot Helmet 3 of 3 (Collectible)
13:12 – Take control of the malta’s bridge
13:56 – Steer the ship directly behind the Draconis
14:53 – Boss Fight (Viper)
– Kill Viper
19:31 – Take the Ark

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