Tri-Lakshana Creatures: Genshin Impact 3.0

This guide shows how to complete Tri-Lakshana in Graven Innocence in the game of Genshin Impact 3.0. Tri-Lakshana Creature is an exploration mechanic in Sumeru. There are different types of Tri-Lakshana Creatures, such as Bouncy Mushrooms and Starshrooms and you need to take pictures of these creatures.

Tri-Lakshana Creature

The Tri-Lakshana creature has three states depending on the element applied to it — Scorched, Normal, and Activated. When Tri-Lakshana creatures in the Normal State come into contact with Pyro, they will turn into Scorched State and can be brought back by Dendro. When they come into contact with Electro, they will change from the Normal to the Activated state.

In Tri-Lakshana Event you need to take three pictures of Tri-Lakshana creatures in three different states.

Creatures 1

Normal State

Activated State

Go to party set-up and select an Electro Character. Hit with Electro character to change the state.

Scorched State

Go to party set-up and select a Pyro Character. Hit with Pyro character to change the state.

Creatures 2

In case you mess up somewhere, use a Dendro character to bring it back to an earlier/previous state.

Normal State

Activated State

Scorched State

Creatures 3

Scorched State

Normal State

Activated State

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