Turakawak Shrine: Stacking a Path Puzzle | Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough

Turakawak Shrine: Stacking a Path Walkthrough

This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Turakawak Shrine in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom game, released on 12th May 2023. The Turakawak Shrine is at the location shown in the pictures below.

After entering the shrine, climb up the box to reach the platform ahead. Then pick up the box and stack it with another box as shown in the picture below. Then place the stack of boxes next to the ladder as shown below. Now climb up to the upper floor.

Once you have reached up, pick up the stack of boxes and stack it above the metal box on the upper floor. Then place the stack of boxes next to the wall as shown in the picture below. Here you will see a chest inside a cage on the left side as shown in the picture below. You will also see a grated floor inside the cage.

Now jump down to the lower level and go to the location where you see a grated roof as shown in the picture below. Use ascend below the grated roof to reach the cage with the chest. open the chest to get a Magic Rod.

Use Ascend again to reach the roof of the cage. From there, jump on the stack of boxes to reach the upper level as shown in the picture below. Take the blessing there to complete the shrine.

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