God of War Ragnarok: Goddess Falls All Collectibles
This guide shows how to get all the collectibles in the Vanir Shrine area of the Vanaheim region in God of War Ragnarok. You will reach the area during Freya’s Missing Peace favor.

1) Lore (Lore Marker – The Feast)
As you enter the area, you will have a boss fight with Soul Eater. turn right and you will see this lore.

2) Lore (Treasure Map – The Giant’s Toes)
From the previous collectible, turn right to get the treasure map as shown in the picture below. Click here to see The Giant Toes buried treasure location.

3) Lore (Lore Marker – The Auburn Crown)
Go back to the middle portion of the area, where Soul eater was. Here you will see a draw bridge on the right side. Break the chain lock as shown in the picture below. Near the draw bridge, you will see some vines as shown below. Go near the vines and burn them. This will reveal another chain lock behind the vines as shown in the second picture below. Break this and the draw bridge will come down.

Go through the draw bridge. In the next area, you will see the lore on the left side as shown below.

4) Artifact (Family Crests – Hylli’s Crest)
In the same area, you will see a wooden blockage as shown below. Break it and you will find the artifact behind it.

5) Legendary Chest (Rampage of the Furies – Light Runic Attack)
Open the gate and head to the next area. here you will see some vines on the right side as shown below. Burn the vines. This will reveal a hole. Inside, you will see a chain lock as shown in the second picture below. Break the lock and go back to the previous area. The legendary chest will be open now as shown in the third picture below. Now, speak with Feya about her belonging for Freya’s Missing Peace and interact with the seal after she clears the path. Then head back to the central area.

6) Lore (Rune Read – Traitor)
Go to the central area, then turn left and you will see a red door with two torches above it. You need to ignite the two torches simultaneously to open the door. You will see some red vines on the top left corner of the door. Burn them with your purple arrows and blade. To light the torches, shoot purple arrows on the three circles on top of the gate as shown in the picture below. Then hit the central arrow with your blade. This will cause an explosion and ignite both torches, opening the door.

Proceed ahead and you will see the lore on the right side as shown below.

7) Lore (Lore Marker – The Blessing of Two)
Proceed ahead and burn the vines to enter the next area. Here you will see the lore on the left side as shown below. Now, speak with Feya about her belonging for Freya’s Missing Peace and interact with the seal after she clears the path. Then head back to the central area.

8) Lore (Scroll – Abandoned)
Go near the shining symbol in the central area and interact with it as shown below. This will make a bridge appear. Proceed ahead and you will see the lore on the right side after the bridge as shown in the second picture below.

9) Lore (Lore Marker – The Ceremony)
Open the rune door. Inside, Freya will find the third belonging. After the cutscene, collect the lore from the right side before exiting as shown below.

10) River Delta Favor (Freya’s Missing Peace)
Head back to the boat docked in the Goddess Falls. As you interact with it, you will be attacked by two Drekis. Defeat them and interact with the boat to complete the favor.