Volcano Manor Questline Complete Guide: Tanith, Rya & all Secrets | Elden Ring

  • Post published:March 4, 2022
  • Post category:Elden Ring

Volcano Manor is in Altus Plateau as shown in the picture below. You can reach there easily by following Rya’s questline. It is highly advisable to do Rya’s questline as it is linked with Volcano Manor’s Lore. Click here for the complete walkthrough of Rya’s questline.


Step 1: Talk to Tanith and other NPC’s
Step 2: Volcano Manor Request #1
Step 3: Volcano Manor Request #2
Step 4: Bernahl’s Optional Request
Step 5: Talk to Rya in her Room (SPOILER)
Step 6: Patches Optional Request
Step 7: Volcano Manor Secret Area
Step 8: End of Rya’s Questline
Step 9: Volcano Manor Request #3
Step 10: God-Devouring Serpent Boss

Step 1: Talk to the Tanith and all other NPC’s

Talk to Volcano Manor’s Queen, Tanith, and she will give you the Drawing Room Key. Go to the hallway next to where Tanith is sitting and open the door on the left side. Here you will find Bernahl. You will also find Rya and Diallos in the Drawing Room if you did their questline. Patches can be found at the manor entrance if you did his questline. Talk to all the NPC.

Step 2: Volcano Manor Request #1

Pick up Recusant Finger and the letter kept on the table in the Drawing Room. Picking up the letter starts the first request. Recusant Finger is used to invade another player’s world.

To complete the first request, go to the north part of Limgrave, at the location shown in the picture below.

At the marked location, you will see a red symbol as shown below. Interact with it to invade Old Knight Istvan’s world. Defeat Istvan to complete the request. You will get a Scaled Armor Set on defeating Istvan. Report back to Tanith, and you will receive a Magma Shot spell. Talk to all the NPCs again after completing the request.

Step 3: Volcano Manor Request #2

Pick up the letter kept on the table in the Drawing Room to start the second request. The second request location is south of Bridge of Iniquity Site of Rest in Altus Plateau as shown below.

From the Old Altus Tunnel, take the path going north to reach the marked location. Interact with the red symbol to invade Rileigh the Idle’s world. Report back to Tanith and you will receive the Serpentbone Blade. Talk to all the NPCs again.

Step 4: Bernahl’s Optional Request

Go to the Drawing Room and talk to Bernahl to receive a new request.

For this request, you will have to go to the Royal Capital of Leyndell. I will show the path to reach the target from the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace as shown in the pictures below.

From Avenue Balcony Site of Grace, take the stairs down as shown below.

Go straight and then turn around and take the path going up as shown in the pictures below.

After reaching the top of the path, jump on the platform ahead and climb up the ladder as shown below.

Then climb up the stairs and enter the building straight ahead. Continue in this building to reach a Site of Grace. Then go out from the building and climb down the stairs as shown below.

Continue ahead and turn right to reach a balcony. Pull the lever on the balcony as shown in the picture below, to open the door to the building where you have to go.

Now turn around and jump down. Then enter the building straight ahead. Interact with the red symbol inside the building, to invade the target’s world. Defeat the targets to complete the request. You will get Raging Wolf Armor Set on completing this request. Report back to Bernahl and he give you a Gelmir’s Fury spell.

Step 5: Talk to Rya in her Room

Enter the room in front of the Dining-Room and talk to Rya. You will see that she has transformed into a Serpent. Talk to Tanith for some extra dialogues.

Step 6: Patches Optional Request

Talk to Patches to get his request.

The target is near Magma Wyrm Site of Grace as shown below. Interact with the red symbol here to invade the target’s world. You will receive Bull-Goat Armor Set on defeating this target.

Step 7: Volcano Manor Secret Area

Talk to Rya in her room and she will tell you that a serpent entered the room next to hers and disappeared. She will request you to investigate the room. Talk to Tanith about Rya’s troubles for some extra dialogue.

Now go to the hallway and enter the first room on the right side. Make sure you have a Swordstone key as you will be needing it. On the right corner of this room, there is an illusionary wall. Hit the wall to make it disappear.

As you proceed inside, you will find two paths as shown below.
Path 1: Enter the gate and you will find a Nomadic Warrior’s cookbook at the end of the path. Then turn left and hit the illusionary wall to make it disappear. Now enter the room. This is the room that had bolted shut doors, next to the Drawing Room. In this room, you will find Depraved Perfumer Carmaan summon ashes.
Path 2: This is the main path. Walk down the stairs and continue ahead.

As you continue ahead, you will reach the Prison Town Church Site of Grace. After discovering the Prison Town Church Site of Grace, return back to Rya and tell her about the dark side of the Volcano Manor. Click here for the complete walkthrough of Rya’s questline.

Open the church door, then turn right and continue ahead in the path. Soon you will reach a location with three paths as shown below.
Path 1: Go down the stair on the left side and it will lead you to a room where you will find Erdtree Seal.
Path 2: It’s a Stonesword Key Door with a Crimson Amber Medallion +1 inside.
Path 3: This is the main path. Proceed ahead.

The door of the building ahead will be closed. Jump on the roof on the left side and proceed ahead as shown in the picture below.

Enter the building and go downstairs and eventually, you will reach the Guest Hall Site of Grace.

Open the door and exit the building. Then jump down on the dark ground between the lava and make your way to the stairs on the right side as shown below.

The stairs will lead you to an area with lots of hanging cages. Enter the elevator here and take it to the top.

After coming out of the elevator, go right to collect Somber Smithing Stone [5]. Now turn around and climb up the stairs to enter Temple of Eiglay. You will have to fight Godskin Noble miniboss here. He will drop Godskin Stitcher sword.

Now pick up the Serpent’s Amnion from the altar. Serpent’s Amnion is a key item for Rya. Now take the elevator in the same room to go to the top.

On the top of the temple, climb up the balcony wall. From there, jump down on the stones and make your way through the lava as shown below.

Eventually, you will reach a window as shown below. Climb up the window to enter the building.

After entering the building, open the door on the right side. Then go out and climb up the stairs. Now take right and keep going straight until you reach a room with a staircase. Open the door on the right side of this room. Then proceed ahead and pick up Man-Serpent Ashes from the altar as shown below.

Climb up the stairs next to the altar and turn around to reach a Stormsword Key Door as shown below.

Go through this door to reach an area full of hanging cages. Keep jumping down on the cages till you reach the bottom floor.

After you drop to the bottom, you will have two paths.
Path 1: Turn around and go south. Here you will find Seedbed Curse key item. Then turn left and climb up the stairs to get Somber Smithing Stone [7].
Path 2: This is the main path. Go straight inside the room on the north side. Collect Ash of War: Royal Knight’s Resolve from a corpse in front of a fireplace here as shown below. Then go through the door on the right side. Continue ahead and open the door at the end to reach back to the Volcano Manor main area.

Step 8: Give Serpent Amnion to Rya & Finish Rya’s questline

Now go back to Rya and give her Serpent’s Amnion that you collected before from the secret area.

Reload the area and check on Rya. You will see that she is missing from the manor (If Rya is still there, then finish Request #3. But do this part before the final area boss). Talk to Tanith about Rya’s absence and she will give you a Tonic of Forgetfulness and request you to have Rya drink this potion. Now, you can get three endings of Rya’s questline. Click here for the complete walkthrough of Rya’s questline. We haven’t covered Rya’s endings in this guide.

Step 9: Volcano Manor Request #3

Pick up the letter kept on the table in the Drawing Room to start the third and final request. The third request location is northeast of the Ancient Snow Valler Ruins Site of Rest in the Mountaintop of the Giants as shown below. Interact with the red symbol in the area to invade the target’s world. Defeat the target, Juno Hoslow, to get Hoslow’s Armor set.

Step 10: God-Devouring Serpent Boss

Talk to Tanith and she will give you Taker’s Cameo talisman. Then she will transport you to the boss area.

After entering the boss lair, pick up the Serpent Hunter great spear from the left side as shown in the picture below. This weapon is useful for this fight. After defeating the God-Devouring Serpent Boss, you will receive Rykard’s Great Rune and Remembrance of the Blasphemous. Now go back to Volcano Manor and talk to all the NPCs to finish the area.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ghostsrc

    After everything you can go back to the boss area and you’ll find tanith eating rykard’s body, if you kill her, her knight will apear and after you defeat him you’ll be able to get tanith’s set

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