This guide shows the location of all the collectibles (2 UNSC Audio Logs, 1 Skull, 1 Banished Audio Log) in the Warship Gbraakon mission in the Halo Infinite campaign. 1 UNSC Audio Log will be unlocked automatically during the mission. If you miss a collectible and complete the mission, then you won’t be able to get the collectible without restarting the campaign.
Also Read: Halo Infinite Collectibles Guide
Warship Gbraakon: UNSC Audio Log
During the objective to ‘Locate the Bridge’, you will have to take an elevator as shown in the picture below. Right after coming out from the elevator, you will find the audio log right in the front as shown in the second and third pictures below.

Warship Gbraakon: Skull
During the objective to ‘Locate the Bridge’, you will come to a room with three lifts moving banished crates up on the right side as shown in the pictures below. Get on the ascending crate in the middle to reach the upper level. Don’t get down on the upper level, and keep going up instead. As you go up, you will find a skull in a secret spot as shown in the third picture below.

Warship Gbraakon: Banished Audio Log
As you proceed, you will come to an area with the controls to deactivate the Statis Beam as shown in the picture below. Before you disable the Statis Beam, go right and you will find the audio log sitting in the corner.