How to open all Water Wheel Gates in Aurvangar Wetlands
This guide shows how to solve all the geyser puzzles to open the water gates in the Aurvangar Wetlands area of God of War Ragnarok.
Also Read: Aurvangar Wetlands: All Collectibles Locations Guide | God of War Ragnarok
How to open the First Water Wheel Gate
In the Aurvangar Wetlands, you will come to a water wheel blocking your path as shown in the picture below. From the water wheel, go right.

Here you will see a geyser as shown below. Throw your axe at the base of the geyser to freeze it. Then jump to reach the platform behind the geyser. Now, climb up the wooden platform behind the geyser as shown in the picture below.

From the wooden platform, use the zipline to come down. Then turn left and jump down and climb up another wooden platform as shown in the picture below. From this platform, you will be able to pull the wheel to create a path as shown in the second picture below.

How to open the Second Water Wheel Gate
Go through the previous gate and you will reach another gate blocking your path at the location shown in the picture below.

At this location, you will find a cap over a geyser as shown in the picture below. Pull the cap to free the geyser. Here, you can see another geyser up on a giant rock, which you won’t be able to freeze from the lower level. Freeze the geyser on the lower level and jump to the other side. Then turn left and use your grapple to climb up the wooden platform there.

From this platform, you will be able to freeze the geyser, which is on a giant rock. As you freeze this geyser, all the water will flow to the other geyser, which will make the wheel rotate as shown in the picture below. This will open the gate and you will be able to proceed ahead.

How to open the Third Water Wheel Gate
Go through the previous gate and you will reach another gate blocking your path at the location shown in the picture below.

Throw your axe at the weak point to drop the block as shown in the picture below. Then climb up the block to reach the platform ahead. Pull the chain here to half open the gate as shown in the second picture below.

From the chain location, turn left to see a geyser as shown in the picture below. Freeze this geyser and jump to the platform behind it and then go left. Here you will see a cap over a geyser as shown in the picture below. Pull the cap to free the geyser.

Now, you will see two geysers here (Geyser 1 & Geyser) 2 as marked in the picture below.

Freeze geyser 1. This will make all the water flow to geyser 2, rotating the wheel. This will make the block attached to the wheel lower down as shown in the picture below. When the block is coming down, hit its weak point with your axe so that it drops to the ground.

Now climb up the fallen block. Then look at geyser 2 from there as shown in the pictures below and hit its base with your axe to freeze it. This will make all the water flow to geyser 1, lifting it up. Now you will be able to access the wooden platform containing the second chain. Pull the chain as shown in the third picture below to fully open the gate.