This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to collect all 43 Inhibitors at Old Villedor in Dying Light 2. Inhibitors are used to upgrade Health and Stamina.
Also Read: Dying Light 2 – Guide and Walkthrough
Houndfield Inhibitors Locations
#1 Inhibitor
This inhibitor is inside a military trailer which you can enter through its roof. It is just near the red and orange wall building.

#2 Inhibitor – Nightrunner’s Hideout Safe Inhibitor
The inhibitor is inside a safe at Nightrunner’s Hideout in Houndfield as shown in the picture below. Complete walkthrough of Nightrunner’s Hideout Safe Inhibitor

#3 Inhibitor – Houndfield Electrical Station
It is inside a GRE container in the shallow water near small stairs and large yellow pipes by the water, just east of Houndfield Electrical Station.

#4-7 Inhibitor – Center For Stage IV THV Study
The 3rd Floor has 1 inhibitor, the 2nd Floor has 1 and the 1st floor has two inhibitors. Complete walkthrough of all four inhibitors – Center For Stage IV THV Study

#8 Inhibitor – Military Airdrop THB-04B
This inhibitor is inside the Military Airdrop box. Complete walkthrough to collect Inhibitor inside Military Airdrop THB-04B

#9-10 Inhibitor – GRE Anomaly C-A-22
This is located north of Houndfield Electric Station in Houndfield district. GRE Anomalies only appear at night, you can go to a camp with a bed and set the time to night time. After defeating the GRE Monster, you will notice an orange-colored objective marker in the area leading to a trailer’s rooftop. Open the hatch and drop down to find a chest with 2 Inhibitors.

#11 Inhibitor – Metro Hayward
You will find it inside Hayward Square Metro Station. First, turn on all 4 generators to restore metro station power. You will find the inhibitor placed on a table in the rest area once power is restored to the station.

#12- 14 Inhibitor – Markers of Plague story quest
There are 3 Inhibitors available during the main story quest “Markers of Plague”. Follow the yellow quest marker to locate the White and Green GRE Crate and collect three Inhibitors. Complete walkthrough Find a White & Green GRE Crate

Trinity Inhibitors Locations
#15-16 GRE Anomaly C-A-05
You can get these Inhibitors only during the night. Go to GRE Anomaly C-A-05, which is at the eastern part of Trinity at the location marked below. Go during the night and defeat the Revenant in the area. Then you can open the GRE container and get 2 inhibitors from the GRE crate inside it.

#17-18 Near Larch Windmill
Thre are 2 Inhibitors near Larch WIndmill, inside the building shown in the pictures below.

#19-21 Building on the Northwest portion of Trinity
Go inside the highlighted building on the northwest portion of Trinity as shown below. Three Inhibitors are inside a GRE crate on the upper floor of the building. You can reach the top floor by climbing through a pipe as shown below.

#22 Trinity Northmost Inhibitor
This inhibitor is inside a building marked in the picture below.

Go to the top of the building and enter through the door as shown below.

Then climb down the stairs and jump into the vent as shown below.

Crawn through the vent and jump on the other side. Then jump down to the lowest floor through the hole on the floor in the next room as shown below.

At the lowest floor, crouch and go to the next room through the small hole on the wall as shown below.

Then turn right and climb to the upper floor through the hole on the roof as shown below.

Then jump to one floor further above through the hole on the roof as shown below. Here you will find a GRE crate containing an Inhibitor.

#23 The First Biomarker quest
You will get this inhibitor by completing the “First Biomarker” side quest.
#24 Near Willow Windmill
ENter the building as shown in the pictures below.

Then crouch and go to the next room through a hole in the wall. Then proceed ahead in the house. Crouch and go through the blocked door as shown below. Then crouch and go through the next blocked door. After that go to the room on the right side. Inside this room, open the door as shown in the second picture below. Open the GRE crate inside this room to get the Inhibitor.

#25-27 “Into the Dark” main quest
During “Into the Dark” main quest, you will have to defeat Barney. After you have defeated Barney, you will get the objective to exit the building as shown below. Before exiting the building, open the GRE crate inside this building to get 3 Inhibitors.

Quarry End Inhibitors Locations
#28-29 Inhibitor – GRE Anomaly C-A-01
This is located in the southern part of Quarry End as marked on the map. GRE Anomaly only appears at night, you can go to a camp with a bed and set the time to night time. After defeating the GRE Monster, you will notice an orange-colored objective marker in the area leading to a trailer’s rooftop. Open the hatch and drop down to find a chest with 2 Inhibitors.

#30 Inhibitor – Underground Tunnel
One Inhibitor is found inside an underground tunnel, accessible via stairs on the surface, on the western side as shown in the map below.

Horseshoe Inhibitors
#31-32 Inhibitors – Tango Motel Inhibitors
It is located on the top floor inside Tango Motel. You will visit this location while progressing Water Tower in the main story when Hakon suggests you go search Barney’s hideout at the Tango Motel for any clues. Walkthrough -Search Barney’s Hideout for Evidence

#33-34 Inhibitor – Horseshoe Water Tower
It’s located on the top floor inside Horseshoe Water Tower. You will visit this location while doing the objective “find and disarm the explosive” in the main story Water Tower. Inhibitors crate is behind the barrels on the top floor. Walkthrough – Find and disarm the explosives

#35-38 Inhibitor s – THV Genomics Center
Visit the THV Genomics Center at night and get all four Inhibitors in one run because it will be filled with infected during the day. Complete Walkthrough to get all 4 Inhibitors

#39-40 Inhibitor – While doing The Only Way Out
I have marked the location on the map below. You will visit this place while doing the objective “Look for Maya” in the main story The Only Way Out. You will find an Inhibitor crate in front of you when climbing up the ledge to reach Maya’s hideout room. Walkthrough The Only Way Out

#41-43 Inhibitors
Inhibitors you get at the beginning of the game. These three Inhibitors are automatically picked up during the 3rd Main Story Quest “Markers of Plague” and cannot be missed.