Amakumo Peak Underwater Puzzle: 2 Luxurious Chest & Hidden Achievement | Genshin Impact 2.1

At the center of Amukamo peak, as shown in the picture below, you can go to the underwater area. In the underwater area, you will get 2 Luxurious chests and several other types of chests. Unlocking the mechanism in the underwater area unlocks the “Great Amukamo peak” hidden achievement. This article shows an easy walkthrough of the underwater area.

Note: You will need to complete the Serai Stormchasers questline before this

Amakumo Peak Pressure Plates Puzzle

To drain the water you will need to solve the pressure plate puzzle south of the flooded area (See the picture above for location). To solve the puzzle you will need to light the four plates highlighted in the picture below. This will unseal the mechanism beside the puzzle. Interact with the mechanism to drain out the water halfway.

Drain out the water completely

Jump down the hole and defeat the enemies to unseal the second mechanism as shown in the picture below. This will drain out the water furthermore.

Amakumo Peak Underwater Area Puzzles – Seelie 1

After the water is drained, jump down. From hereon you will find several colored doors and mechanisms that open the door. For easy understanding, I have numbered the mechanisms.

As you jump down, you will find a red door and a mechanism (Numbered 1) next to the red door. Interact with the mechanism to make the red light inside it vertical. This will open the red door. Also, touch the Seelie here so that it can guide you through the path.

Note: I have numbered the mechanisms for easy understanding

Go inside and move left. Here you will see the second door. Interact with the mechanism next to it (Numbered 2) to make the yellow light vertical. This will open the yellow door in front of you.

Go inside the room and make the red light on this mechanism vertical. This will open a red door on the upper floor.

Come back outside and interact with the mechanism (Numbered 2) to make the yellow light inside it horizontal. This will open a yellow door on the upper floor.

Now take the stairs to the upper level and follow the Seelie. The Seelie will reach its destination in the hallway and you will find the second Seelie there.

Amakumo Peak Underwater Area Puzzles – Seelie 2

Start following the second Seelie and jump down the hole at the end of the hallway. Here you will find the fourth mechanism, a red door in the front, and a stair leading up on the right. The Seelie will go to the red door. Make sure that the yellow light inside mechanism number 4 is horizontal. Now take the stairs and go up.

On the upper floor, you will find a yellow door and a red mechanism (Numbered 5) next to it. Interact with the mechanism to turn the red light vertical. This will close the door on the lower level where the Seelie was. Now drop down to the lower level from the left side of the room as shown in the picture below. Go through the now-open red door and go back to mechanism number 4.

Interact with mechanism 4 to make the yellow light vertical. This will open the yellow door on the upper floor. Now go through the red door from which you just came and climb the wall to reach the upper level again. The yellow door next to mechanism 5 is open now. Go through the opened door and you will see a staircase in front of you. The second Seelie will reach its destination here. Start following the third Seelie now.

Amakumo Peak Underwater Area Puzzles – Seelie 3

Follow the third Seelie until it reaches a blue door as shown in the picture below.

Turn right and go to the next room. Here you will see a closed red door and a staircase. Go up the stairs. On the upper level, there are two mechanisms. Mechanism 6 is behind a closed blue door.

On the upper level, there is another mechanism (Numbered 7). Interact with it to make the red light inside it vertical. This will open the previously closed red door on the lower level.

Go down the stairs and the red door in front of the stairs will be open now. Go inside the room and interact with the mechanism (Numbered 8) inside to make the blue light vertical. This will open the closed blue door on the upper level.

Take the stairs to the upper level. The door leading to mechanism 6 will be open now. Go inside and interact with the mechanism to make the yellow light inside it vertical. This will open a door on the lower level.

Go down the stairs and go inside the room with mechanism 8. Turn right in the room and you will see that the yellow door there is open now. The blue door where the Seelie is waiting for you will also be open now.

Go inside the blue door. This will unlock the “Great Amukamo peak” hidden achievement. In this room, you will find a Luxurious chest. there will be another blue door in this room with a switch next to it as shown in the picture below. Interact with the switch to drain out the water completely. This will open the blue door as well. Draining the water will reveal a luxurious chest as the bottom. Go through the now-open blue door and jump down to reach the luxurious chest at the bottom. This completes the exploration of Amakumo Peak Underwater.

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