D Hunter of the Dead Questline Guide: Locations & Ending | Elden Ring

  • Post published:March 9, 2022
  • Post category:Elden Ring

This guide shows the complete walkthrough for D Hunter of the Dead‘s questline in Elden Ring.

Step 1: Talk to D in Limgrave
Step 2: Defeat Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village
Step 3: Talk to D in Summonwater Village or in Roundtable Hold
Step 4: Meet Gurranq in Bestial Sanctum
Step 5: Talk to Sorcerer Rogier
Step 6: Talk to Fia & get Weathered Dagger from her
Step 7: Give the Dagger to D
Step 8: Get D’s Twinned Armor Set
Step 9: Get D’s brother’s location from Rogier
Step 10: Go to D’s Brother’s Location
Ending: D’s Brother takes his revenge

Step 1: Talk to D in Limgrave

The first location where you will meet D is east of Saintsbridge in Limgrave as shown in the pictures below. Here you will find him standing next to a dead body. Talk to him and he will warn you against going to the village ahead as it is infested with the undead.

Step 2: Defeat Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village

Against D’s warning, proceed ahead towards the east and go to the Summonwater Village as shown in the pictures below. Defeat the Tibia Mariner miniboss here. he will drop a Deathroot.

Step 3: Talk to D in Summonwater Village or in Roundtable Hold

After defeating Tibia Mariner, talk to D, who will be standing on the western portion of Summonwater Village. If you cannot find him there, you can talk to him later in the Roundtable Hold as well as shown in the pictures below. Show him the Deathroot and he will tell you the location of Gurranq, the beast clergyman.

Step 4: Meet Gurranq in Bestial Sanctum

D will marl you the location of a teleported on your map southeast of Summonwater Village as shown in the picture below. Go to the teleported location and it will teleport you to the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. The teleported is hidden behind some bushes so look carefully to find it.

Enter the Bestial Sanctum and hold over the Deathroot to Gurranq. Gurranq is a vendor and he will give you items in return for Deathroot. Now report back to D in the Roundtable Hold. Once you have talked to Gurranq, D will become an incantations merchant for you.

Step 5: Talk to Sorcerer Rogier

Talk to Sorcerer Rogier about D in Roundtable Hold. Keep talking to him about D from time to time as later in the game he will give you some important information related to D.

Step 6: Talk to Fia & get Weathered Dagger from her

You will find Fia in the roundtable Hold. Talk to her from time to time, mainly after boss fights, and let her hold you. Eventually, you will get the “May I ask you a favor?” chat option (This chat option might not appear until you have unlocked Altus Plateau). Select this chat option, and she will give you a Weathered Dagger. Fia will ask you to find the owner of this dagger and return it to him.

Step 7: Give the Dagger to D

The Weathered Dagger belongs to D. Talk to him in the Roundtable Hold and give him the dagger.

Step 8: Get D’s Twinned Armor Set

Come back to the Roundtable Hold after some time. You won’t find D & Fia at their locations. Go past the blacksmith to the room as shown in the picture below. You will find D dead there. Collect Twinned Armor Set from D’s body. It is very important that you collect this Armor Set and keep it with you as it will be required later in the questline.

Step 9: Get D’s brother’s location from Rogier

Go to Rogier and you will find him dead too. Come back later and you will get Rogier’s Letter and Spellblade’s Armor Set from his body. In the letter, Rogier will tell you that D has a younger brother, who is in the aqueduct beside the Nokron Eternal City.

Step 10: Go to D’s Brother’s Location

Go and talk to D’s brother in Nokron Eternal City. Click here to see how to reach D’s Brother’s location. Talk to him and give him D’s Twinned Armor Set as shown below. You will get the Inner Order gesture from him.

Ending: D’s Brother takes his revenge

If you have given the Twinned Armor Set to D’s brother, then he will appear at the end of Fia’s questline, standing next to her corpse. This completes the questline. Now you can kill D’s brother and get the Twinned Armor Set back, along with Inseparable Sword. If you don’t kill him, then you can come later to the location and he would have left the Twinned Armor Set, which you can take.

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