The Library Annex: All 8 Collection Chests Locations
This guide shows the location of all 8 Collection Chests locations and how to get them in The Library Annex area inside Hogwarts in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which released on 10th February 2023.
1,2) Hogwarts Bridge
Two collection chests are in a secret area under the Hogwarts Bridge as shown in the picture below. To gain access to the secret area, you will need to solve the puzzle on the bridge.

As you reach the bridge, you will see a plate on the ground. The plate has four symbols, with numbers I to IV written next to them as shown in the picture below.

On the bridge, you will find four torches. Use Incendio spell to light the four torches, then you will be able to turn them. Each torch has a symbol below it. Rotate the torches, so that the symbols have the same number above them as on the plate shown in the picture above.
The correct numbers that you need to set above the symbols are shown in the pictures below. When all the torches are correctly aligned, the plate on the ground will open. Now take the ladder to reach the secret area under the bridge. There you will find two collection chests.

3) Library
Go through the gate on the north side of the library as shown in the second picture below to enter The Restricted Section. Go down the stairs and proceed in a linear path until you reach the basement, where you find the collection chest in the corner as shown in the third picture below.

4,5,6) Arithmancy Class
From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame Location, take the small set of stairs to the attic. There you will find a puzzle door as shown in the picture below. The solution for this puzzle is ?=4 and ??=3. Click here to see how to solve this puzzle. Open the door and you will find a collection chest behind it.

Now proceed ahead to reach the Artithmancy Class. There you will find two more puzzle doors as shown in the pictures below. The solution for the 15-18 puzzle door is ?=4 and ??=5. The solution for the 17-8 puzzle door is ?=6 and ??=1. Click here to see how to solve these puzzles. You will find a collection chest behind each door.

7) Long Gallery
Open the Level 1 lock door next to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame location, and go down the stairs to reach the Long gallery. You will find a puzzle door there as shown in the pictures below. The solution for this puzzle is ?=2 and ??=1. Click here to see how to solve this puzzle. Open the door and you will find a collection chest behind it.

8) Depulso Puzzle Room 1
In the Long Gallery, you will find a switch as shown in the picture below. Use Depulso on this switch and you will gain access to Depulso Puzzle Room 1. You will find a collection chest inside this room.