The Outrider’s Legacy – Trench Town Side Quest (Walkthrough) | Outriders

  • Post published:April 9, 2021
  • Post category:Outriders

Outriders: How to Complete The Outrider’s Legacy – Trench Town Side Quest

  • How to start the quest 
    • Investigate the hanging body near the campsite in Trench Town. 
  • Find Lucy & ask about the Outriders’ Hatch 
    • Track the quest to find Lucy and ask her about the Outrider’s hatch. Lucy is in Trench Town. 

Monique & Sarah Tanner’s Location

  • Search for Monique in the wreckage zone 
    • Monique is in the Wreckage Zone region. Talk to Jakub and take the truck to Wreckage Zone. 
    • Note: You need to progress in the story to unlock Wreckage Zone (if you haven’t unlocked it yet) 
    • Monique is in the Secluded Homestead area (in Wreckage Zone region) near the Crevice fast-travel point. 
  • Return to Lucy to collect the key to the Outriders’ Hatch 
    • Return to Lucy in Trench Town. You need to take the truck (talk to Jakub) to reach Trench Town.
  • Search the Quarry for the Outriders’ Hatch 
    • Outriders’ Hatch is in Quarry. Talk to Jakub and take the truck to Quarry. 
    • Note: You need to progress in the story to unlock Quarry (if you haven’t unlocked this region yet) 
    • Outriders’ Hatch is in the Nesting Grounds area (in Quarry region). 
  • Search the Outriders’ bunker for clues 
    • Inside the bunker, open the first door on the left. 
    • Investigate the journal on the floor of the room. 
  • Search for Sergio or Mercer Acosta in the forest 
    • Mercer Acosta is in the Forest Enclave region. Talk to Jakub and take the truck to Forest Enclave. 
    • Note: You need to progress in the story to unlock Forest Enclave (if you haven’t unlocked it yet) 
    • Mercer Acosta is in the Enclave Camp area (in Forest Enclave region) near your Camp. 
    • Ask him, “Where’d you get the Outrider coat?” 
  • Locate the remains of Sergio Acosta’s expedition 
    • You need to enter the Waterfall Path area near the Crystal Camp fast-travel point (Forest Enclave region) 
  • Find Sergio Acosta’s body 
    • Fight your way through the Waterfall Pat area and enter Acosta’s Expedition (next area). 
    • Sergio Acosta’s body is in Acosta’s Expedition. Clear the area and investigate his body. 
  • Return the photograph to Mercer 
    • Get back to Mercer Acosta in the Enclave Camp area (in Forest Enclave region) 
    • Choose the dialogue “I found the picture”. 
  • Return to the Outriders’ bunker in the Quarry and open the second door 
    • Get back to the Outriders’ bunker in the Quarry. 
    • Note: You’ll need a Truck (ask Jakub) to get back to Quarry. 
  • Search the Outriders’ bunker for clues 
    • Inside the bunker, open the second door on the left. 
    • Go to the lower floor, and investigate the journal on the floor. 
  • Search for Sarah Tanner in the Forest 
    • Sarah Tanner is in The Gate region. Talk to Jakub and take the truck to The Gate. 
    • Note: You need to progress in the story to unlock The Gate (if you haven’t unlocked it yet) 
    • Sarah Tanner’s body is in the Horrific Sculptures area. You can get there via the Overgrown Terrace area. 
  • Use the master key to reveal the secret in the Outriders’ bunker 
    • Get back to the Outriders’ bunker in the Quarry. 
    • Note: You’ll need a Truck (ask Jakub) to get back to Quarry. 
    • Inside the bunker, open the last door on the right. 
  • Investigate the area 
    • Keep heading forward until you reach the nuke in the last room. 
  • Repel the attack and disarm the nuke 
    • You need to clear the area to complete the quest. 

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