The Riddle of Conviction | Dragon’s Dogma 2

This article will guide you on how to solve all the Sphinx Riddles “The Riddle of Conviction” in the sidequest “A Game of Wits” in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Also Read: 
All Main Quest & Side Quests Walkthrough Dragon’s Dogma 2
All Sphinx Riddles and Solutions in Dragon’s Dogma 2

How to solve ‘The Riddle of Conviction’

“Life is an enigma – a lender of mortal debt. Yet lighter pack makes fleeter foot and challenge nimbly met. So grant to me what you most prize, and thence elude your pondrous demise.

Presenting any item to Sphinx. Sphinx will duplicate the item as a reward. Recommended to offer a valuable item like Portcrystal.

Reward: The reward is the duplication of the item you provide.

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