There are 16 puzzles in Gotham Knights. To progress through the main story and side tasks, you must solve all of the puzzles. This tutorial will show you how to solve all of the puzzles in the game.

The way most of the puzzles work in the game is by connecting 2 correct clues. Mark a clue on the left and a clue on the right by pressing Square (PlayStation) / X (Xbox), then confirm with Triangle (PlayStation) / Y (Xbox). If the chosen clues are correct, a green checkmark will appear; otherwise, a red line will show for the incorrect clues.
Below are links to each Puzzle Solution:
Case 1.1: Crime Scene Hidden Door Code
Case 2.2: Find a Way to Activate the Mechanism (Wires Locations)
Case 2.2: Escape Burning Tunnel Trap
Case 3.2: Extract Viable Sample
Case 5.2: Escape Labyrinth- Here you need to find your way through Spinning Metal Blades without getting killed.