Lost Ark Guide and Walkthrough
Lost Ark is an open-world MMO Action RPG, in which you explore a ruined city infested with zombies. The game was also released in North America, South America, and Europe on February 11, 2022. Lost Ark is primarily focused on PvE and exploration (questing, achievement/collectible hunting, crafting, etc.). Players start by customizing their character which they can then level up by completing the storyline. This page acts as an index for all the Lost Ark guides on our website.

The Totoikis’ Dream: Fragrance
Boss Location
How to find the limited-time island
Map hidden on Little Luck Island
Map hidden on White Wave Island
Secret Mokoko – Available only on HARD difficulty in Phantom Palace
Phantom Palace Chess Puzzle Solution
All Yudia Vista Locations in Lost Ark
All Yudia Hidden Story Locations Guide
Where to find 500-year-old Mera Wine
How to get Destruction Stone Fragments
Island Mokoko Seeds
Rethramis Mokoko Seeds
Ankumo Mountain
Aquilok’s Head [Dungeon]
Aquilok’s Tail [Dungeon]
Rethramis Border
Toxiclaw Cavern [Dungeon]
Yudia Mokoko Seeds
Morai Ruins [Dungeon]
Ozhorn Hill
Saland Hill
Sapira Cave [Dungeon]
Luterra West Mokoko Seeds
Battlebound Plains
Bilbrin Forest
Brilliant Ridge [Dungeon]
Gray Hammer Mine [Dungeon]
Medrick Monastery
Mount Zagoras
Luterra East Mokoko Seeds
Blackrose Basement [Dungeon]
Blackrose Chapel
Borea’s Domain
Croconys Seashore
Dyorika Plain
Flowering Orchard
Lastra Forest [Dungeon]
Leyar Terrace
Luterra Castle [City]
Stormcry Grotto [Dungeon]
Sunbright Hill
Tomb of the Great King Luterra [Dungeon]
Wavestrand Port [Town]
Tortoyk Mokoko Seeds
Forest of Giants
Mokoko Village
Pirate Den [Dungeon]
Seaswept Woods
Skyreach Steppe
Sweetwater Forest
Tortoyk’s Heart [Dungeon]
Anikka Mokoko Seeds
Bleak Edge
Bleak Edge [Dungeon]
Delphi Township
Foul Hollow [Dungeon]
Jeok’s Barrier [Dungeon]
Melody Forest
Moonmist Manor [Dungeon]
Port City Changhun
Prisma Valley
Rattan Hill
Twilight Mists
Yeon’s Barrier [Dungeon]
Arthetine Mokoko Seeds
Arid Path
Dr. Bergstrom’s Laboratory
Dynamo Core
Heart of Sceptrum [Dungeon]
Origins of Stern
Red Sand Desert
Riza Falls
Soldier Ant Nest [Dungeon]
TotrichVerdantier [Dungeon]
Windbringer Hills
North Vern Mokoko Seeds
Ancient Elveria [Dungeon]
Balankar Mountains
Fesnar Highland
Gorgon’s Nest [Dungeon]
Parna Forest
Port Krona
Rania Village
Vern Castle
Vernese Forest
Shushire Mokoko Seeds
Bitterwind Hill
Frostpeak Temple
Frozen Sea
Iceblood Plateau
Icewing Heights
Lake Eternity
Maze of Mirrors [Dungeon]
Rigens Village
Vrad’s Hideout [Dungeon]
Rohendel Mokoko Seeds
Breezesome Brae
Elzowin’s Shade
Glass Lotus Lake
Lake Shiverwave
Phantom Palace [Dungeon]
Realm of Elementals [Dungeon]
Xeneela Ruins
Yorn Mokoko Seeds
Ark of Arrogance [Dungeon]
Black Anvil Mine
Great Castle
Hall of Promise
Iron Hammer Mine
Unfinished Garden
Wonderful Brewery
Yorn’s Cradle
Feiton Mokoko Seeds
Cave of Sin
Nameless Valley
Red Moonshade
Ruined Castle
Shady Cliff
Wailing Swamp
Punika Mokoko Seeds
Naruna Hot Springs
Nia Village
Oreha’s Well
Secret Forest
Starsand Beach
Tideshelf Path
Tikatika Colony