You will find Kid Kujirai in Serpent’s Head at the location as shown in the picture below. On talking to Kid Kujiria he will give you three challenges to find Temari within a time limit of thirty seconds. This article shows how to complete all three ‘Find the Temari’ challenges in Serpent’s Head and the reward that you get on completing the three challenges. If you came here looking for a walkthrough for the Temaria Game World Quest walkthrough then check the link posted below.
‘Temaria Game’ World Quest Walkthrough

Game of Temari: Challenge 1
Before starting the first challenge you should open the iron gate on the opening nearby. To open the gate you will have to chase two electro Seelies. The initial location of the two Electro Seelie’s is shown in the first picture below. Chase both the Electro Seelie’s till they reach the top and stop. The second picture below shows the final location of the two Electro Seelies. This will open the topmost gate to enter Serpent Head underground.
Once the iron gate on the opening is open, talk to Kid Kujirai to start the first challenge. To claim the Temari, drop down to the first underground level from the gate just opened and get the Temari placed near an Electrogranum Plant as shown in the third picture below.

Game of Temari: Challenge 2
After completing the first challenge, talk to Kid Kujirai again to start the second challenge. Drop down to the first underground level in Serpent’s Head. On the first level, you will find a lever (See the picture below). Interact with the lever to open the iron gate to the second underground level. Drop down to the second level where you will find the Temari at the corner as shown in the picture below.
Also Read: Serpent’s Head: How to open the gate – Lever Puzzle

Game of Temari: Challenge 3
After completing the second Temari challenge, talk to Kid Kujirai again to start the third challenge. This time the Temari is near the Electro Seelies that you chased to the top in order to open the first gate. Climb up the mountain to reach the Electro Seelies location and jump to claim the Temari, which is hanging in the air between the two Electro Seelies as shown in the picture below.

After you have completed all the three Temari challenges, Place Temari near Kid Kujirai. Placing the Temari will spawn a precious chest nearby.

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