This article will tell you how to unlock the luxurious chest at the mountain edge near Tatarasuna Fast Travel Point and the rewards that you get from the chest. Tatarasuna is an island in the Kannazuka area of Inazuma. Inazuma is the new region introduced in Genshin Impact 2.0 update on 21st July 2021.
At the southern end of Tatarasuna, near Tatarasuna Fast Travel Point you will find a locked Luxurious chest. The luxurious chest is near Tatarasuna’s fast travel point near the edge of the mountain at the location as shown in the picture below. The luxurious chest unlocks when you move far from it but locks as you approach near it. There is a small trick that will help you unlock the chest and get the reward.

How to Unlock the Chest
To unlock the chest at the edge of the mountain near Tatarasuna Fast Travel Point you need to approach it from behind. You have to place yourself appropriately behind the chest (See the picture below) for the option to open the luxurious chest to appear.
If you are finding it difficult to place yourself in the position so that the option to open the chest appears, simply jump down and climb the cliff from behind. This way you will be able to stand right behind the luxurious chest as shown in the picture below.

Open the just to get Traveling Doctor’s Medicine Pot, Lucky Dog’s Silver Circlet, Exile’s Flower, 4 Electro Sigil, 1800 Moras, and 10 Primogen.
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