Forza Horizon 5 takes place across a huge open-world map. At times, you just don’t want to be driving 20 km to your next destination. Fast travel allows players to quickly move from point “A” to point “B”. The game allows you to fast travel, but it costs a bit of credit.
One of the first things you’ll want to do in Forza Horizon 5, is to unlock the ability to quickly move across the map. In this guide, we will be teaching you how to unlock Fast Travel in Forza Horizon 5 and ways to reduce the travel cost as well.
Fast Travel between Houses & Festival
The game initially allows you to fast travel to their “Home” property or to the festivals player unlocks through normal progression. Everywhere else on the map will need to be traveled on-wheel. Fast travel to any owned property or Festival is free. To Fast Travel in Forza Horizon 5, bring up the world map and hover over Festival icons or Houses that you own, and press X. Buying more houses and properties lets you fast travel to them as well.
Fast Travel to any Road
If you want to fast travel to any road on the map then you need to complete a few prerequisites. You will have to spend 2,000,000 and buy the Buenas Vistas Property in the Baja region. Once you do that, you will be able to fast travel to any road on Forza Horizon 5 map by paying a little fee.

The price starts at 10,000 per journey. There are 50 marked fast travel boards all over the map. If you find and destroy these boards will reduce the travel fee you pay by 2% and destroying all 50 of them will allow you to fast travel anywhere on the map for free.

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