Elden Ring is an Open World RPG Souls game that released on 25th February 2022. The game consists of several Dungeons ( Graves, Catacombs & Caves) that you can explore to get powerful gears. This page acts as an index for all the Dungeons in the game.
Also Read: All NPC questlines in Elden Ring

List of Dungeons in Elden Ring
Murkwater Catacombs
Coastal Cave
Groveside Cave
Murkwater Cave
Weeping Peninsula
Earthbore Cave
Tombsward Cave
Caelid Catacombs
Minor Erdtree Catacombs
Abandoned Cave
Gaol Cave
Academy Crystal Cave
Lakeside Crystal Cave
Stillwater Cave
Altus Plateau
Auriza Hero’s Grave
Leyndell Catacombs
Mt Gelmir
Unsightly Catacombs
Wyndham Catacombs
Sage’s Cave
Seethewater Cave
Volcano Cave
Mountaintops of the Giants
Spiritcaller’s Cave
Consecrated Snowfields
Consecrated Snowfields Catacombs
Cave of the Forlorn