Nier Replicant Side Quests List
Quests are divided up into two parts in the story, Part One and Part Two. There is a total of 70 side Quests in Nier Replicant.
Part One
Nier’s Village
- Book Smarts
- Boar Hunt
- The Lost Eggs
- Old-Fashioned Home Cooking
- The Gatekeeper’s Errand
- Herbal Remedies
- Shopping List
- A Return to Shopping
- The Tavern Keeper’s Grandmother
- Fragile Delivery
- Fragile Delivery 2
- A Dog Astray
- On the Wings of Eagles
- The Ballad of the Twins
- Yonah’s Cooking
- Yonah’s Gift
- Fragile Delivery 3
- The Runaway Son
- The New Merchant in Town
- The Postman’s Request
- The Lighthouse Lady’s Wrath
- Closure
- Letter to a Lover
- A Signature Dish
- Bon Appetit!
- The Fisherman’s Gambit
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 2
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 3
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 4
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 5
- The Pride of a Lover
Part Two
Nier’s Village
- Contract for a Contractor
- Thieves in Training
- The Creaky Waterwheel
- The Faded Fountain
- The Damaged Map
- The Bridge in Peril
- The Promised Gift
- A Child’s Final Chance
- The Despicable Man
- Search for the Shade
- The Strange Fate of the Jewel
- Staying Afloat
- The Scattered Cargo
- The Masterless Lighthouse
- Learning a Trade
- The Great Tree
- Master of the Southern Plains
- A Memorable Knife
- Bon Appetit! 2
- Freesia
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 6
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 7
- The Fisherman’s Gambit, Part 8
- The Fisherman’s Final Gambit
- Life in the Sands
- The King’s Mask
- Nightmares and Dust
- A City Reborn
- A Shade Entombed
- Disturbing the Sleep of Kings
- Shadows of the Desert
Emi’s Manor
Junk Heap
The Forest of Myth

After you had returned from the Lost Shrine for the first time, speak with Popola in the library (on the second floor) to make the quests available. Note: If you want to do all Quests in Part 1, do them all before speaking to Popola, after returning from the Manor.
Speak with a Villager (a lady) on the third floor of the library to start the quest. You need to place two books in the correct location. The reward for this quest is 500 golds.
Book 1: Place it on the east wall of the 2nd Floor by the left stairwell,
Book 2: Place the book on the south side of the 1st Floor to the left of the two girls.
Start the quest after speaking with an old man sitting on the box in the Nier’s market area. You can find the boar in the Northern plains area, it is on the west side across the bridge. The reward is 1000 golds and you get the ability to ride boars.
Use the nearby boulders to hide. Attack the boar when it smashes the boulder and daze.
You can start the quest after speaking with the villager (a woman) sitting on the bench by the fountain in the market area. She’ll ask you to bring back 10 mutton. You can get muttons by killing sheep in the Northern Plains. Once you obtain the required numbers return to the woman for a reward. The reward is 1500 Golds, this quest is repeatable.THE GATEKEEPER’S ERRAND
You can start the quest by speaking with a Guard on the right of Northern Plains’s gate. Guard will tell you to deliver a message to Blacksmith’s Wife. You can find her at the dead-end of the market area. Talk to Blacksmith’s Wife to complete the quest. You will get a reward of 500 golds.HERBAL REMEDIES
Talk to Popola in her room on the second floor of the library. She’ll ask you to bring two medicinal herbs. You can go collect them yourself or purchase them from a shop. Speak to Popola again and get a reward of 500 gold.
Speak to the Florist in the Village Market district. She’ll ask you to travel to Seafront and buy three tulip bulbs from the Grocery Shop. Get the items for her and she will reward you with 500 gold. This quest unlocks cultivating plants – planting seeds and bulbs in the field next to your house.A RETURN TO SHOPPING
After completing the previous quest “Shopping List,” speak to the Florist again. This time she will ask you to buy three bounty fertilizers for her from Seafront’s Item Shop. obtain items and give them to her to get the reward of a tulip bulb, bounty fertilizer, and 2,000 gold. This quest will help you to expand your field.THE TAVERN KEEPER’S GRANDMOTHER
Talk to the bartender in the village market’s Tavern to start the quest. She’ll ask you to get the below items:
- Three Medicinal Herbs
- Three Berries: Buy from the material shop
- Three Royal Ferns: It can be bought from the Grocery Store on Seafront
Return all items to the Tavern’s Keeper. She’ll ask you to take the medicine to her grandmother at the fountain by the library. Give the medicine to the old woman and claim a reward of 2,000 gold.
Talk to the guard left of the Northern Gate to start the quest. He will ask you to deliver a fragile package to the gold house in The Aerie. You can take damage or dodge after taking the package.
Do this quest after completing the ‘Hunt Boar’ quest and wait until after Kaine joins you because then you can ride a boar across the Northern Plains area. After delivering the item at Gold house return back to the guard to get your reward of 1450 gold
After completing the previous quest ‘Fragile Delivery’, talk to an old man near the fountain at the north end of the village market. He’ll give a fragile package to deliver to the Tavern Keeper in Seafront.
Here also, you can’t dodge or take damage while carrying it. Do this quest after completing the ‘Hunt Boar’ quest because then you can ride a boar across the Southern Plains area. Deliver the parcel, and return to the old man in the Village to get a reward of 1500 gold. Guide Link
This quest is available after returning from Seafront after completing ‘Obtain a shaman fish’ main story objective. Talk to a Villager next to the Blacksmith in the market area. The villager wants your help to find a lost dog.
You can find the dog below the bridge leading up to the Junk Heap in Northern Plains. When you return to the village market, the villager who gave you the quest will be gone, but another will be standing in the same place. Speak to him to end the quest and collect 1000 gold.
This quest is available when you return from Seafront after completing the ‘Obtain a shaman fish’ main story objective. Talk to Tavern Keeper, she’ll ask you to get an eagle egg from The Aerie. Travel to the Aerie through Northern Plains and you can locate the eggs on the lower level of houses below the chief’s house (the gold one). Bring the egg back to the tavern keeper, then take the medicine to her grandmother again to get a reward of 2000 gold.
This quest is available when you return from Seafront after completing the ‘Obtain a shaman fish‘ main story objective.
Talk to the villager in the Village’s Tavern. He’ll ask you to try and get Devola and Popola to sing together. Speak to Devola first in the Tavern, and then with Popola in the Library. Popola will ask you for a drink from the Tavern in Seafront. You can find the Tavern at the end of Seafront’s main alley. The Tavern Keeper asks you to get five lizard tails and five mouse tails. Traven Location
Mouse tails: Mice can be found in the area outside the Junk Heap. There are only two mice at this location. Leave the area and return you will find them respawn
Lizard tails: lizards are located at Eastern Road & Nothern Plains. It is easy to catch them at Eastern Road.
After capturing all the ingredients, return to the tavern keeper to prepare the drink, then take it back to Popola in the library. You’ll fast-forward to the Tavern. When you want to finish the quest, interact with them
This quest is available when you return from Seafront after completing the ‘Obtain a shaman fish‘ main story objective.
You can get this quest from Nier’s house. Yonah will ask for 1 venison and 1 wheat the next morning. Wheat can be bought in the village market from the grocery shop, venison can be obtained from Deer in the Southern Plains.
You can do this quest only after the Facade area is open. This area opens while doing main story objectives. Once the Facade area open for you, return to Nier’s house with Kaine. Yonah will ask you for three things one at a time. Collect all three items for a reward. One Melon: Buy it from Seafront’s Grocery Store or grow your own One Watermelon: Buy it from Facade’s Grocery Store or grow your own One Pumpkin: Buy it from Facade’s Grocery Store or grow your ownTHE NEW MERCHANT IN TOWN
You can start the quest from Seafront. Speak to a resident in the far southeast part on a large boat (see image). He needs your help to start a new shop.
- 10 wool: Collect from sheep at Northern Plains
- 5 natural rubber: Buy from Seafront’s Material Shop
- 10 goat hides: Collect from goats at Northern Plains or Eastern road.
Give all items to him and leave Seafront. Come back again and speak to him to collect a reward of 10000 golds.
Talk to Devola in the village’s tavern and obtained the postman location. The post office is near the savepoint of Seafront (take first left on the main road). Postman will give you a letter to deliver to the Lady at the top of the lighthouse. Complete the task to get the reward.CLOSURE
After completing “The Lighthouse Lady’s Wrath”, speak to Devola in the Village’s Tavern again to pick up the quest. Go back to Seafront and speak to the Postman. You can either lie or tell the truth to complete the quest.LETTER TO A LOVER
Interact with a resident of the Seafront, near the fountain on the east side of the town. He will give you a Letter to a Faraway Lover and a Potted Freesia to deliver to his girlfriend living at the Aerie. Go to the Aerie and climb up to the top level. As you approach the Chief’s house (the gold one), take a left. Your address is the leftmost house on this level. When you reach the location, you find she is no longer there. On your way out, a large shade will attack you. Defeat it to get a Pressed Freesia. Take that back to the resident in Seafront to claim your reward of 3000 gold.A SIGNATURE DISH
You can pick the quest from the Seafront tavern keeper. He wants 10 x medicinal herbs, 10 x wheat, and 10 x sardines. Medicinal herbs can be easily acquired or purchased from any item store. Wheat can be obtained from the grocer in Nier’s Village. Sardines fishes must be caught at the beach near the lighthouse in Seafront. Once you obtained all the items, return to the tavern to get your reward. Sardines can be purchased from the Fish vendor if you already completed the first Fisherman’s Gambit questBON APPETIT!
You can pick the quest from the Seafront tavern keeper after completing the previous quest. Seafront’s Tavern keeper wants to prepare a new dish. First, go back to the library and find a cookbook. As you enter the library building, turn left immediately and the first shelf has the recipe book. After that head back to the tavern in Seafront. The recipe requires 5 x sharks, 5 x rice, and 5 x mushrooms. Buy rice and mushrooms from the grocery shop in the Seafront. Make sure you do a few of the Fisherman’s Gambit quests first as you need sardines as bait. You can catch sharks at the pier in Seafront (beside where the Fisherman’s Gambit man is standing) using sardines as bait. After getting the ingredients, return to the Tavern Keeper for the reward.FRAGILE DELIVERY 3
Talk to the guard on the left of the Eastern Road exit point to pick this quest. He’ll give you a fragile parcel that needs to be delivered to the weapon shop in Facade. Deliver it to the Blacksmith in Facade and finally go back to the guard to claim your reward.THE PRIDE OF A LOVER
You can pick up the quest from a man standing just below the lighthouse in Seafront. Initially, he will not assign the task, you have to speak with him few times.
He will ask you to get fluorite from the strange-thing store in Facade. The man at the store will inform you that their supply has been exhausted, and you need to go back into the Barren Temple to collect Fluorite. There is no definite location of fluorite inside the temple, we found it inside the first room on the right.
Note: You can’t reach the barren temple directly due to a desert storm on the way. You need to get a royal compass from the guard of King’s Manson at Facade.
You can pick the quest after speaking with the Blacksmith in Facade. He’ll ask you to bring his son back from the Desert who has gone out into the desert to make a name for himself. Youtube link
You can’t cross the desert directly due to a storm on the way. At first, you need to get a royal compass from the masked guard of King’s Manson at Facade. Head into the Desert to find him midway through the desert and then to find the wolf den. There you have to find a pack of the wolf. After defeating the wolves, you will automatically return to Facade and complete the quest.
You can pick up the quest in Facade, look for a Masked Person roaming near the King’s Mansion on the east side. The person needs your help to get a birthday present for her daughter – “10 round, striped food objects.” which is actually 10 watermelons. Travel to the Grocer in the southeast of Facade and buy 10 watermelons. Give all 10 watermelons to Masked Person t& claim your reward.
Get this quest after speaking to the Strange-Thing Shopkeeper in Facade. You need to collect 10 wolf hides for him. You can get these by killing wolves out in the desert, or by just buying them from the Materials Shop in Facade. Give all items to the Shopkeeper, he will then asks you to let his wife know about the gift. She’s just the northwest a couple of floors up. After a quick conversation, you’ll get your reward.
Get the quest from a man near the north gate of your village. Man needs below mentioned items and these can be obtained from the robots in the Junk Heap dungeon.-
- 1 x Memory Alloy: Large walking robots
- 10 x Titanium Alloy: Yellow light robots (rare) or large walking robots
- 10 x Broken Motor: Flying robots
Talk to Item Shop owner in Nier’s Village to get the quest. You need to find some thieves that have been stealing items. Now, Talk to three villagers with quest speech bubbles in the marketplace for the clue. The conclusion is the kids hanging out by the waterwheel are involve. Head to the kids and chat with them to find out that their father put them up to it. Now head back to the tavern and speak with the man at the bar and finally go back to the item shop owner to complete the quest.
Talk to the lady directly beside the Item Shop to get the quest, she needs to fix the waterwheel in town. Required items can be found at the strange things store in Facade and unfortunately the store is out of the item. Shopkeeper needs materials to make the materials
- 10 x Iron Ore: purchased from the weapon shop at the Junk Heap
- 10 x logs: Material Shop in Nier’s Village
Deliver these items at the strange things store in Facade and finally return to lady finish the quest.
Pick the quest from a guard by the fountain opposite the item shop in Village. The guard wants your help fixing the fountain in the village. Head to Strange Thing store in Facade where the owner will say he needs few items from Junk Heap.-
- 10 x Broken Motors: Flying robots
- 10 x Severed Cables: Any robots
You can pick the quest in the village from a guard walking near the Northern Plains exit. You have to defeat the large shade by the bridge in the Northern Plains is attacking people. The shade appears only when it’s cloudy weather. So if you want to change the Weather in the Northern Plains, enter into other locations like the Forest of Myth and come back to the Northern Plains and, you may find the weather potentially changed. You can keep exiting and re-entering the area to force its appearance.
You can do this quest only after you acquire the Lost Shrine key fragment and have visited either the Forest of Myth or Junk Heap. Pick the quest from the boatman at Village dock. He needs your help in finding a gift for his wife. You need to fetch a Red Jewel from the Strange Things Shop in Facade. Talk to the shopkeeper in Facade and return to the boatman at Seafront. Finally, meet his wife at the shops down the main road of Seafront and complete the quest.A CHILD’S FINAL CHANCE
Pick the quest from Nier’s Village, the grocery shop owner. Her child is mysteriously ill after playing with other children. You need to talk to three kids in the Village – two around the market, and one on the bridge by the Waterwheel. All the children talk about the cursed Forest of Myth.
Head to Forest of Myth and examine the glowing spot at the large tree. You’ll discover poisonous berries. You will also meet forest residents who will give you the antidote. Bring the antidote to the woman to complete the quest
You can obtain the quest from a woman in the village market after getting four keys fragments in the main story. The woman needs your help looking for her boyfriend who disappeared.
- Talk to the two guards at each gate of the Village.
- As per the initial clue, head to Forest of Myth. Talk to a man near the big tree.
- At Seafront, go to the easternmost wall and talk to a woman standing by the barrel. Next, speak with the man standing outside the Post Office. Finally, interact with a man sitting directly above the Materials Shop.
- Lastly, go to the Junk Heap and speak with Gideon and Return to the woman in Nier’s Village to get your reward.
You can obtain the quest from a guard near the southern exit of Village after getting three keys fragments. You need to investigate and find the shades in Village.
A girl informed about shades at the river. Again, talk to the girl and this time she will send you to the library. Now, talk to the other three villagers in the market area and lastly again with the same girl. This time she will tell that she didn’t see shades on the hill. This is the location of shades actually. (Use stairs near the market entrance and go west )
She tells you that she didn’t see it on the hill of town, which is the spot you should go and check (reached by the stairs near the town entrance and continuing west). You’ll find the shade up on the hill here, deal with it then return to the guard to complete this quest.
You can obtain the quest from a lady by the ship docks of Seafront’s port. You need to find a Jewel ‘Mermaid Tear’.
First, talk to a woman near the fountain. Next, go to the Lighthouse interact with the barrels on the lower floor to read letters. Finally, talk to the postman and into the backroom. Examine the room to find the Jewel. Now you can either bury it or sell it.
Pick the quest from a man standing at ship docks of the Seafront. You need to collect the below items for him-
- 5 x logs: Material shop at Nier’s Village
- 20 x dented metal: Junk Heap dungeon
- 10 x stripped bolts: Junk Heap dungeon
Pick the quest from a woman standing near the fountain on the Seafront. You need to locate three missing crates. She tells you not to check the crates, but you can do for a better reward. Below are the locations-
- Beach at Seafront, right side of the wrecked ship.
- At the edge of the lake near the market in Nier’s Village
- Underneath the bridge leading to the Junk Heap
Pick the quest from a man in front of the lighthouse in Seafront.
You need to bring 10 broken lenses, 10 broken batteries, and 10 mysterious switches to fix the lighthouse. These items are all found at Junk Heap.
Pick the quest from a man at the docks of the Seafront (you must have completed quest ‘The New Merchant in Town’). You need to bring the following items one at a timeMandrake Leaf: Strange Thing store in Facade Toad Oil: Two Brother’s Weaponry in Junk Heap
Pick the quest from a man at the docks of the Seafront (you must have completed quest ‘The New Merchant in Town’). You need to bring the following items one at a timeMandrake Leaf: Strange Thing store in Facade Toad Oil: Two Brother’s Weaponry in Junk Heap
Pick the quest from a botanist in Seafront, you can find him left of the item shop (after returning from the Lost Shrine). He needs a piece of the great tree in the Lost Shrine. At the ‘Lost Shrine’ look near the roots of the tree on the lowest floor for a pickup pointMASTER OF THE SOUTHERN PLAINS
Pick the quest from the postman in Seafront (after returning from the Lost Shrine). You need to kill a large shade in the southern plain and it only appears during cloudy weather. You may have to re-enter the area for the shades to spawn.A MEMORABLE KNIFE
Get the quest by speak with Seafront Tavern Keeper (after acquiring 4 key fragments). Here you need to bring a knife from Two Brother’s Weaponry in the Junk Heap. Brothers in the Junk Heap need 10 Titanium Alloys items to make an Elite Kitchen Knife. You can get these items from large robots on the 2nd floor of the factory dungeon
Traven Keeper at Seafront will assign you the quest. (available after ‘A Memorable Knife‘ & ‘Bon Appetit!‘). You need to bring the following items: 10 x Rice: Get it from Grocery Store in Seafront 10 x Giant Catfish: Catch from Eastern Road river using Carp as baitFREESIA
A man on the roof above the Blacksmith in Seafront Town can assign you the quest. (Available after obtaining three key fragments, & ‘Letter to a Lover’). You need to deliver a freesia to the Materials Shop in Facade. And at last, take the flower and return for a reward
Pick the quest from a guard by the door to the King’s mansion in Facade. Guard needs two materials to craft a new mask for the King.-
- 1 x Titanium Alloy: From drop of Robot in Junk Heap
- 1 x Crystal: Purchase it from Material Shop in Facade (also from Barren Temple)
Pick the quest from the guard by the entrance of Facade (after obtaining the Facade key fragment). You have to investigate the people going missing in the sandstorm. First, you need to get Royal Compass from the guard at the door to the King Mansion. Head to the northern part of the desert into the sandstorm and defeat a large shade. Return to the guard to collect the reward.A CITY REBORN
Pick the quest from the guard by the entrance to the King’s mansion in Facade (after obtaining the Facade key fragment). You need to obtain the below supplied to help rebuild the Facade after the wolf attack. Return with all items to the guard to complete the quest.
- 20 x Iron Ore: Purchased from Two Brother’s Weaponry in Junk Heap
- 20 x Clay: Materials Shop in Facade
- 20 x Logs: Materials Shop in Nier’s Village
Pick the quest from the guard by the entrance of Facade (after obtaining the Facade key fragment). There’s a bunch of Bandits in the Barren Temple and they accidentally released a large shade that was sealed into the temple. Head to the temple and work through it again, including defeating a boss Shade.DISTURBING THE SLEEP OF KINGS
Pick the quest from King of Facade (after ‘A Shade Entombed’). The King wants your help dealing with shades spread throughout the Barren Temple. Head to the Barren Temple and defeat all the shades from all puzzle rooms.SHADOWS OF THE DESERT
In Desert, talk to the masked person standing near the Ferry (after acquiring the Loyal Cerberus Key Fragment). You need to interact with the same person at three different locations.
- First at the southwest part of the desert, near the stairs.
- Second time with the woman in front of Facade
- Finally, Women standing outside the entrance to the Facade on the bridge.
After interacting, she will turn into a shade. Defeat her to complete the quest.
Pick this quest from the Butler (name Sebastion ) standing at the entrance Emil’s Manor. Butler informs you that a Shade is sitting in the study but not creating any trouble. Deal with Shades in the study and collect the reward from Sebastion.
Pick this quest from the Butler (name Sebastion ). He needs your help to check in the underground lab for research information to find a way to return Emil back to his prior form. Interact with the fountain to open the way to the underground lab and proceed through it to the second floor (B2). Inside past through the large maze-like room and enter first rooms to interact with a desk that has a list of addresses. Head to Seafront addresses. The house is “above the entrance” so you should take the first left from the entrance and again the first left. Finally, climb the stairs to reach the gate. Interact with the gate and talk to the Resident, he will give you a letter in strange writing. Return to Sebastion to complete the quest.THE SHADE ARMY
Pick this quest from Gideon at Two Brother’s Weaponry after acquiring the Junk Heap key fragment Gideon needs your help to clear the shades that have taken over a floor of the Junk Heap. First, get him 5 x Broken Batteries and 5 x Broken Motors to fix the elevator part to get there. You can collect these items from flying robots.
Return to Gideon so that he can make “Elevator Parts” to repair the elevator. Head back to the factory and take the elevator to the second floor. Defeat all the shades and report your progress to the brother.